Tom Cotton's Hoop Skirts and Umbrella Mandate: A Blast from the Past or A Step Too Far?

By Unnamed Writer

on July 21, 2023

(Photo by: Whomever had the misfortune to witness this – Pool/Getty Images)

It seems as though Senator Tom Cotton (R-AR) has been swept up in a whirlwind of antiquated sentimentality. The latest announcement from Cotton's office is one that has left many scratching their heads and pulling out their history books. He is proposing a novel piece of legislation, one that directly targets the wardrobe of half the population - the women.

Cotton's proposal, charmingly dubbed as the "Ladies’ Classical Attire Revival Act", aims to ban women from wearing jeans, advocating for a return to hoop skirts and the carrying of ornate umbrellas as standard day-to-day attire. The inspiration behind this unusual policy is unknown, but speculation hints at an overzealous binge-watch of "Gone with the Wind."

The suggested dress code, the Senator argues, is more about reinstating the elegance of yesteryears than the suppression of freedom to choose one’s clothing. While there is no doubt that hoop skirts and umbrellas carry a certain vintage charm, they also carry a heavy load of impracticality in modern society. Picture the subway during rush hour, or women trying to drive their cars, and the problems become self-evident.

This proposal has been met with disbelief and uproar from many, especially those who enjoy the simple comfort of a good pair of jeans. Women across the nation are taking to social media to express their disdain, with the hashtag #JeansOverHoopSkirts trending on Twitter.

Amidst the backlash, a few have found humor in the proposal. A meme featuring Cotton photoshopped onto a Victorian-era painting, holding an umbrella and donning a hoop skirt himself, has gone viral.

This isn't the first time Cotton has floated controversial policies. His hardline stance on immigration and consistent push against affirmative action have made him a polarizing figure. However, the 'Ladies’ Classical Attire Revival Act' might be the most outrageous of them all.

As the debate continues to swirl, one thing is for certain: the future of women's fashion in America is under an unexpected spotlight, with hoop skirts and ornate umbrellas taking center stage. Whether they will stay in the limelight or be whisked off the stage is yet to be seen.

Tags: Tom Cotton, Hoop Skirts, Umbrellas, Women's Fashion, Politics, #JeansOverHoopSkirts


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